Articles avril-juin 2019

 Chloé LAZIZI, Stefan JETSCHNY, Morten W. PEDERSEN and Alba ORDONEZ - A full wavefield approach to marine survey planning
First Break, Vol 37, No 5, May 2019 pp. 51 - 58
 J.C.P. PIPPING, A. WEVER, R. BACHMANN, V. SMIRNOV and S. DENEUVILLERS - K18-Golf Field seismic and reservoir modelling challenges
First Break, Vol 37, No 5, May 2019 pp. 59 - 65
 M Lajaunie, J Gance, P Nevers, J-P Malet, C Bertrand, T Garin, G Ferhat - Structure of the Sechilienne unstable slope from large-scale 3D electrical resistivity tomography using a network of portable resistivimeters
Geophysical Journal International, ggz259,
 J. Sarout, C. David, L. Pimienta - Seismic and micro‐seismic signature of fluids in rocks : Bridging the scale gap
JGR:Solid earth,
 Jérémie Giraud Vitaliy Ogarko Mark Lindsay Evren Pakyuz-Charrier Mark Jessell Roland Martin - Sensitivity of constrained joint inversions to geological and petrophysical input data uncertainties with posterior geological analysis
Geophysicial Journal International, Volume 218, Issue 1, July 2019, Pages 666–688,
 Théa Ragon Anthony Sladen Mark Simons - Accounting for uncertain fault geometry in earthquake source inversions – II : application to the Mw 6.2 Amatrice earthquake, central Italy
Geophysical Journal International, Volume 218, Issue 1, July 2019, Pages 689–707,
 M Chmiel A Mordret P Boué F Brenguier T Lecocq R Courbis D Hollis X Campman R Romijn W Van der Veen - Ambient noise multimode Rayleigh and Love wave tomography to determine the shear velocity structure above the Groningen gas field
Geophysical Journal International, ggz237,