Articles juillet-septembre 2019
– Y. Li, R. Nelson, W. Jeffery, D. Foster, D. Dubucq, M. Verliac, K. Soofi, and I. Leifer - Workshop review : Recent advances in remote sensing technologies for hydrocarbon exploration and environental evaluation.
The Leading Edge, July 2019, 554-555 DOI:10.1190/tle38070554.1
– M Lajaunie, J Gance, P Nevers, J-P Malet, C Bertrand, T Garin, G Ferhat - Structure of the Séchilienne unstable slope from large-scale three-dimensional electrical tomography using a Resistivity Distributed Automated System (R-DAS)
Geophysical Journal International, Volume 219, Issue 1, October 2019, Pages 129–147,