Publications Janvier 2015
Vu dans les revues :
– Jon Claerbout and Antoine Guitton - Ricker-compliant deconvolution.
Geophysical Prospecting, v. 63, doi:10.1111/1365-2478.12213
– Cédric Guyonnet-Benaize, Juliette Lamarche, Fabrice Hollender, Sophie Viseur, Philippe Münch and Jean Borgomano - Three-dimensional structural modeling of an active fault zone based on complex outcrop and subsurface data : the Middle Durance Fault Zone inherited from polyphase Meso-Cenozoic tectonics (south-eastern France).
Tectonics, doi:10.1002/2014TC003749
– V. Allègre, L. Jouniaux, F. Lehmann, P. Sailhac and R. Toussaint - Influence of water pressure dynamics and fluid flow on the streaming-potential response for unsaturated conditions.
Geophysical Prospecting, vol 63, 1, DOI : 10.1111/1365-2478.12206
– Julien Guillemoteau, Pascal Sailhac, Charles Boulanger, Jérémie Trules - Inversion of ground constant offset loop-loop electromagnetic data for a large range of induction numbers.
GEOPHYSICS 80, 1(2015) ; pp. E11-E21 DOI:10.1190/geo2014-0005.1