Publications novembre-décembre 2016

 T. Mensch, K. Cichy, R. Siliqi, J. Firth and B. Jupinet - Acquisition of long-offset data offshore Gabon shows how synchronized source technology adds flexibility to tailored acquisition solutions.
First Break, 34(11), 95-101
 F. Duret, F. Bertin, K. Garceran, R. Sternfels, T. Bardainne, N. Deladerriere and D. Le Meur - Near-surface velocity modeling using a combined inversion of surface and refacted P-Waves.
The Leading Edge 35(11), 10.1190/tle35110946.1
 J.B. Rittgers, A. Revil, M.A. Mooney, M. Karaoulis, L. Wodajo, and C.J. Hickey - Time-lapse joint inversion of geophysical data with automatic joint constraints and dynamic attributes
Geophys. J. Int. 2016 207 : 1401-1419
 Jean Letort, Laurent Bollinger, Helene Lyon-Caen, Aurélie Guilhem, Yoann Cano, Christian Baillard, and Lok Bijaya Adhikari - Teleseismic depth estimation of the 2015 Gorkha−Nepal aftershocks
Geophys. J. Int. 2016 207 : 1584-1595
 Xin Liu, Yehuda Ben-Zion, and Dimitri Zigone - Frequency domain analysis of errors in cross-correlations of ambient seismic noise
Geophys. J. Int. 2016 207 : 1630-1652
 Roberto Benzi, Pinaki Kumar, Federico Toschi, and Jeannot Trampert - Earthquake statistics and plastic events in soft-glassy materials
Geophys. J. Int. 2016 207 : 1667-1674
 Audrey Ougier-Simonin, François Renard, Claudine Boehm, Sandrine Vidal-Gilbert - Microfracturing and microporosity in shales
Earth Science Reviews 162, 198-226
 Eve-Agnès Fiorentino, Renaud Toussaint, and Laurence Jouniaux - Two-phase lattice Boltzmann modelling of streaming potentials : influence of the air-water interface on the electrokinetic coupling
Geophys. J. Int. published 5 November 2016, 10.1093/gji/ggw417
 F.I. Zyserman, L.B. Monachesi, and L. Jouniaux - Dependence of shear wave seismoelectrics on soil textures : a numerical study in the vadose zone.
Geophys. J. Int. published 16 November 2016, 10.1093/gji/ggw431
 Doubre Cécile, Déprez Aline, Masson Frédéric, Socquet Anne, Lewi Elias, Grandin Raphael, Nercessian Alexandre, Ulrich Patrice, De Chabalier Jean-Bernard, Saad Ibrahim, Abayazid Ahmadine, Peltzer Gilles, Delorme Arthur, Calais Eric, and Wright Tim - Current Deformation in Central Afar and Triple Junction Kinematics Deduced from GPS and InSAR Measurements
Geophys. J. Int. published 17 November 2016, 10.1093/gji/ggw434
 Madhurima Bhattacharya and Gregor Duval - A snapshot of the geotectonics and petroleum geology of the Durban and Zululand Basins, offshore South Africa
First Break, V34(12)
 A. Revil, M. Le Breton, Q. Niu, E. Wallin, E. Haskins, and D.M. Thomas - Induced polarization of volcanic rocks. 1Surface versus quadrature conductivity
Geophys. J. Int. published 28 November 2016, 10.1093/gji/ggw444
 A. Revil, M. Le Breton, Q. Niu, E. Wallin, E. Haskins, and D.M. Thomas - Induced polarization of volcanic rocks. 2. Influence of pore size and permeability
Geophys. J. Int. published 1 December 2016, 10.1093/gji/ggw382
 Zhenlu Shao, André Revil, Deqiang Mao, and Deming Wang - Induced polarization signature of coal seam fires
Geophys. J. Int. published 1 December 2016, 10.1093/gji/ggw452
 Nolwenn Lesparre, Frédérick Boudin, Cédric Champollion, Jean Chéry, Charles Danquigny, Han Cheng Seat, Michel Cattoen, Françoise Lizion, and Laurent Longuevergne - New insights on fractures deformation from tiltmeter data measured inside the Fontaine de Vaucluse karst system
Geophys. J. Int. published 1 December 2016, 10.1093/gji/ggw446