Publications septembre-octobre 2016
Marielle Ciotoli, Sophie Beaumont, Julien Oukili, Øystein Korsmo, Nicola O’Dowd, Grunde Rønholt and Volker Dirks - Dual-sensor data and enhanced depth imaging sheds new light onto the mature Viking Graben
First Break Sept. 2016
J. B. Rittgers, A. Revil, M. A. Mooney, M. Karaoulis, L. Wodajo, and C.J. Hickey - Time-lapse joint inversion of geophysical data with automatic joint constraints and dynamic attributes
Geophys. J. Int. published 14 September 2016, 10.1093/gji/ggw346
Thomas Kremer, Myriam Schmutz, Alexis Maineult, and Pierre Agrinier - Laboratory monitoring of CO2 injection in saturated silica and carbonate sands using spectral induced polarization
Geophys. J. Int. 2016 207 : 1258-1272
Thomas Kremer, Myriam Schmutz, Philippe Leroy, Pierre Agrinier, and Alexis Maineult - Modelling the spectral induced polarization response of water-saturated sands in the intermediate frequency range (10^2–10^5 Hz) using mechanistic and empirical approaches
Geophys. J. Int. 2016 207 : 1303-1312
B. Gavazzi, P. Le Maire, M. Munschy and Aline Dechamp - Fluxgate vector magnetometers : A multisensor device for ground, UAV, and airbornemagnetic surveys.
The Leading Edge 35(9), 10.1190/tle35090795.1
– S. Rosat, S. B. Lambert, C. Gattano, and M. Calvo - Earth’s core and inner core resonances from analysis of VLBI nutation and superconducting gravimeter data
Geophys. J. Int. published 5 October 2016, 10.1093/gji/ggw378