André REVIL obtient une récompense de l’EAGE
André REVIL (promotion 1993) vient d’obtenir la "Conrad Schlumberger Award 2020" de l’EAGE.
The Conrad Schlumberger Award is presented to a member of EAGE who has made an outstanding contribution over a period of time to the scientific and technical advancement of the geosciences, particularly geophysics.
Dr Revil’s work focuses on the development of coupled hydraulic-electrical conductivity models in porous media and the fundamental understanding of grain surface electrical conduction phenomena. He is considered a leader both in the field of hydrogeophysics and the most recognized expert in the subject of electrical and electromagnetic properties of saturated rocks. Through experiments and theory, Dr. Revil has redefined the concepts of spontaneous potential and induced polarization as used by formation evaluation specialists and applied exploration geophysicists around the world, thus shaping the way we interpret electrical signatures for quantifying near-surface properties and dynamics. His contributions are both foundational and practical. He provided a mechanistic framework for linking electrical conductivity and permeability in both clean and shaly sands. Importantly, he also found that even totally clay-free rock formations exhibit an appreciable amount of surface conductivity for freshwater aquifers, a point that is often neglected in applications. He and his co-authors also considered seismoelectric sources through a unified, coupled model of hydromechanical and electromagnetic disturbances in porous media. Revil is also an active member of the Geosciences communities who provides excellent service to the professional community — he serves as editor and associate editor for several important refereed journal publications, helped organize a significant number of workshops and technical/scientific conferences on Geosciences frontier topics, and co-edited the text Applied Hydrogeophysics. His originality in experimental design and his infectious scientific curiosity are a source of inspiration to many in the community.
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