EAGE E-Lecture : marine CSEM - Understand the quintessence by Ludovic Peignard
Nouvelle E-Lecture de l’EAGE, sur "marine CSEM - Understand the quintessence", présentée par Ludovic Peignard, EarthQuick (promotion 2006).
Understanding marine Controlled Source Electromagnetics (mCSEM), how it works and on what that relies is not that obvious due to multiple physical phenomena at stake (geometric, inductive and galvanic). In this E-Lecture, Ludovic Peignard explains simply how electromagnetic waves are affected when diffusing in the subsurface with a very light content of theory. The idea is to put you on track to subsequently look at mCSEM in more depth.
A visionner sur https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0bUdqIDRWw