EAGE E-Lecture : Q-Compensation through Depth Domain Inversion, by Maud Cavalca
Nouvelle E-Lecture de l’EAGE, sur "Q-Compensation through Depth Domain Inversion", présentée par Maud Cavalca, Schlumberger (promotion 2001).
Compensation for seismic attenuation inherent to the dissipative and dispersive nature of the earth remains a challenge in seismic imaging of complex media. In this E-Lecture, Maud Cavalca briefly reviews various deterministic approaches that tackle the problem, and focuses on a scheme that compensates for Q within depth domain inversion. She shows that this type of approach constitutes a viable and efficient alternative to ‘Q-migration’ techniques that attempt at compensating for Q during migration.
A visionner sur https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UD0GKXnj2YA